Month: January 2016

How to Know When to Call Your 24 Hour Plumber

Plumbing problems are some of the hardest to deal with! There are a few problems you will be able to deal with yourself, but for the most part, plumbing issues require an expert hand. Thankfully, there are many plumbing services in Culver City to choose from, making it easier to get a professional in to your house in a hurry.

But how can you know when the problem is big enough to call in a 24 hour plumber? Here are a few problems too big for you to deal with:

Low water pressure – This is a common problem in California, and one you won’t be able to handle on your own. It takes a plumber to find the cause of the low flow, either a clogged pipe, a poor connection with the municipal water system, or even a ground leak. If you’ve suffered from low water pressure for more than a week or two, it’s time to call in the experts.


Chronically leaking faucets – All faucets leak after a few years, as the water pressure wears on the rubber washers that serve as the seal. You can usually change the washers fairly easily, but if the leak has been going on for a while, the water may have corroded the valve seat. If the leak has continued for more than a few weeks, it’s better to get a 24 hour plumber in to deal with the problem.

Leaking pipes – The heat and cold of Southern California can wreak havoc on your pipes! If you notice wet patches on your property, it’s a sign that your pipes are leaking. You could always dig up and repair the pipes yourself, but you may end up doing more damage. Instead, find the right plumbing services in Culver City, and let them do the job.

Installations – Have you bought a new sink, bathtub, or toilet? Do you need to install a new water heater? If so, it’s better that you call in a 24 hour plumber to do the work for you. If you don’t do the installation right, you could end up with leaking or damaged pipes. A plumber will do the installation quickly and correctly.

Water heater problems – You should NEVER mess with your water heater yourself! Both electric and gas water heaters are complex appliances, with a lot of moving parts. Damage even a small component, and the water heater could stop working. For any water heater issues, it’s always best to call in a plumber.