Month: May 2020

Here is the Easiest Way to Get Rid of Clogged Drains!

What are the most common plumbing issues faced by your guys? Well, think about it! I am sure your answer would be clogged drains. It is one of the most common issues found in every household. You may never know that something is wrong with the drain one day and may wake up the next day to find the pipes and drains are blocked! Frustrating, isn’t it?

Well, only if you had been careful and noticed the signs! However, instead of panicking and calling a plumber, if you know this simple trick, you can get rid of stubborn clogs all by yourself.

You will need just two common items that are available in kitchen. Baking soda and vinegar are the two ingredients that can help you get rid of the clogs in the drain, without having to paying to plumber in Woodland Hills CA.

So, now let’s start on the steps that you need to follow in order to get rid of the clogs:

Step 1: Start by taking baking soda

You should know that it is high time that you clean the pipe once you notice slow drain. Just start by taking ½ cup of baking soda and pour it into the sink. It is best if you are working on a dry skin, because the wet sink will just clump the baking soda, only making it difficult to go down the drain.

Moreover, as your baking soda is dry, it will just stand on the top the sink, so use your fingers and push it down the drain.


Step 2: Add vinegar

Once you have pushed most of the vinegar down the drain, put ½ cup of vinegar into the sink.

Step 3: Close the drain

Once you have added vinegar, quickly close the drain and make sure that you have closed it properly. Don’t be surprised if you hear the gurgling and bubbling sound coming from there. It is a normal effect of adding these items and sign that the drain is getting unclogged.

Step 4: Let it sit

Ok, this is the last in the process of unclogging the drain. All you have to do is to let the solution of baking soda and vinegar sit there for 20 to 30 minutes. Also you can use the waiting period to use any residue to scrub your sink.

Once the time is up, pour hot water down the drain in order to remove any clog or any waste material that is left clinging onto the pipe.

So, this is one of the easiest and cheapest tricks you can use by items available at your home to remove the stubborn clogs of the drains, without having to pay for plumbing service in Woodland Hills.

Isn’t is nice to know that your kitchen has some of the best drain cleaning secrets, that you never knew about! So, what are you waiting for? Try this trick and avoid some of the nasty clogs that require a professional. Good Luck!