Month: October 2018

Solution To Faulty Plumbing In Your Home

Having faulty plumbing is one of the most challenging situations you could face as a homeowner. The key to tackle such a challenge is by not losing your composure and keeping an anxiety at bay. After all, there’s a solution to every problem and your plumbing issue is not going to stay forever! There is a range of plumbing issues that could come up- leaking water pipes, burst water pipes, clogged drains, leaky faucets and sewer damages. There are some plumbing issues that are relatively easier to fix and just about any plumber can fix them.

For more complex plumbing issues like sewer line replacement, drain blockage, and failed water heating system you have to rely on expert plumbing contractor Los Angeles because they have all the experience and skill to resolve every type of plumbing issues repairable. There are many plumbing contractors in Los Angeles but not all of them are created equal. There are only handful of plumbing contractors that provide responsible and complete plumbing repairs. If you are already living in Los Angeles for a long time now, you must be knowing the names of most popular and reliable plumbing contractors by now. It is also possible that you already have a fixed plumbing contractor that you trust for your plumbing issues.


On the other hand, if you’ve just moved in LA and have no idea about who the most reputable and reliable plumbing contractors Los Angeles are, you have to search around for one. You can take the help of internet search engines or talk to locals and they are likely to tell you some names of popular plumbing contractors in that location. You can visit their office personally and talk to head plumber there and know about the services offered by them and rates charged by them. You can also ask the plumber to show up a valid license to confirm if they are genuinely licensed or not.

Licensed plumbing contractors usually charge more than rookie plumbers, but extra rates are justified when you consider the quality and efficiency of plumbing repairs performed by them.

About Trenchless Pipe Rehabilitation

Trenchless sewer repair, also known as ”no-dig” or ”trenchless technology” is a revolutionary advancement made by the plumbing industry in recent years. This latest method is used for sewer line repair/replacement, rehabilitation and cleaning. Trenchless technology eliminates (almost) the need for surface excavation, reduces underground construction costs, and also helps to the cause of environment by minimizing environmental damage. No digging up is required which is one of the main benefits of trenchless sewer repair method.

This feature of trenchless technology is a boon for the residents in the areas where services needed to be performed on a pipeline. No digging is required in a high traffic area so that the area does not become congested for commuters. Ask anyone who has got sewer lines repaired or replaced through traditional method and that person would tell you how inconvenient, unsightly, and time-consuming the whole process it. It takes so much of time to dig up yards and driveways to access sewer lines and then locate the damaged sewer pipe and get repaired or replaced. Most of the time spent is on digging up and then filling up the ground area that was excavated. Add to that the inconvenience faced due to cutting off electrical, gas, and water lines because of ongoing excavation work and you really have a tough task on your hand.


Trenchless sewer repair Los Angeles takes away all time-wastage and digging work that is related to traditional method. In this method, only 2 holes are drilled with the help of latest equipment near entry and exit points of the sewer line. Sewer camera is lowered down the line to catch the live images of sewer line so that the plumbers can detect the damaged pipe and cause of the damage. This saves valuable time and plumbers can get to work on repairing or replacing sewer pipes as soon as they detect the damaged part of the sewer line.

Choosing a reputable, professional and licensed plumber to carry out trenchless sewer repair is a wise decision that will make your life a much easier. It is also more cost-effective in a long term.